1/17/23 --- Welp, I missed a post

 I didn't realize it until just now, at 7pm the next day, that I forgot to write a blog post yesterday. I was so excited with Facebook ads and book sales that I completely forgot, so let's catch up.

Yesterday was the second day of my book Alpha's Rejection being out. I'm happy to say that it's done much better than I expected! Right now I've got 5 ratings with a 4.6-star average, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Not only is that a higher average than most, but it's also a lot more ratings than I've ever gotten on a release. Typically I want to have 20 ratings in the first month or two, but I think I'll make that a lot faster with this one! 

The book also broke even almost immediately. Now I don't spend a ton of money on covers and I do the editing myself, but I typically don't expect a book to break even its first day, much less make three times that amount in the first two days alone :) Those are all good signs in my book and I'm very happy it's already in the black. Being an author isn't necessarily the most lucrative thing when launching a new book and new series AND a new genre, but this one is going well. Judging by its performance thus far, I'm confident in declaring that it will probably be one of my top books by the end of the year if I can keep people clicking on my ads.

Speaking of which, my Amazon ads are D-E-D dead. I've done auto ads, keyword ads, targeted ads, everything that everybody has ever taught about doing Amazon ads, and nothing. I can't get Amazon to show my ads to anyone at all. My impressions are about 2% of what they used to be and my clicks are almost nonexistent. I'm gonna be reworking my blurbs and such here soon, but it seems that as soon as Amazon took notice of Bryan Cohen's methods, they made sure it no longer worked. That or the big IOS 14.5 T&C changes really fucked things up.

However, my Facebook ads seem to be working pretty well and I'm fairly happy with the results so far. It's bringing in a lot of people who read on kindle unlimited, so I'm glad for that extra income. Hopefully they continue to do well and help me find a new audience. 

Welp, that's it for today



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