1/5/23 --- Tension is a bitch, but I'm writing....
As iterated in the title, tension is a bitch. For one glorious day this past weekend I spent time tension free, taking a nice nap on a soft couch, hanging out with the boys, feeling safe and secure in my life with no stress coming my way. Then I came back home, to my 9-5 and the worries of everyday life, and I feel like I'm about to fall apart at the seams. This is truly the worst.
But enough of that. There is some relief as I'm finally back to writing. I've been working through the edits on Alpha's Rejection and I'm well over halfway at this point. I'm currently finishing up the big sex scene in the middle of the book and it's going really well. The characters seem to be enjoying themselves and I think the readers will really like it too. There's only three sex scenes in the entire book and this is the big one, so I'm spending extra time on it to make sure it hits all the buttons.
I'm hoping to have the editing all finished up by the end of this weekend so I can finally start writing Romance #2, featuring a character introduced in Alpha's Rejection. My theme for this series seems to be "he thought he was straight until the right guy came along". It's an oldie, but a goodie. I don't think I've ever met a gay man that doesn't have a straight guy fantasy and there are plenty of women out there that love that sort of thing too, so I think it'll make the readers happy once it's out! :)
I also moved all my books from wide distribution back to Kindle Unlimited today. I've spent the past three months testing wide sales and although it was comparable for the first month, they have since dropped off and become less than I'd like. It seems I have a lot more readers in Kindle Unlimited than I do wide, so I'm bringing it back to the people who will get the most out of it. Paperbacks and Audiobooks will still be available for everyone else though, those definitely aren't going anywhere. In fact, I'm selling signed copies on my site, so if you want one, check it out!
I think that's it for me today. More editing tomorrow and hopefully a slower day at work. I could use the break.
Also, I decided 2023 is the year I'm going full time author. I'm not sure how I'll make it happen just yet, but it's gonna happen.
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