1/7/23 --- A sleepy day...

 I took a nap TWICE today! Talk about a fucking miracle. I definitely fell asleep taking a bath after playing D&D (I'm glad I didn't drown) and once again after I came upstairs and sat down with the boys. That was less comfortable but definitely safer.

I've been working on editing Alpha's Rejection today and I'm glad to say I'm nearly done. I've only got a couple more chapters to go and a single chapter to finish writing. After that, I can do the final formatting and get it set up to be published. I'm still hoping to drop it early. If I get it done this weekend, I'll probably have it out on 1/15, just so it's off my to-do list. After that, I'll start writing Romance #2 and working my way through the Cowmelot story. That one needs that final 1/3rd of the book written, so I definitely need to get that done. It'll be the longest book I've ever written, probably 120k words or so, and it'll eat up some time to fully edit before I release it. But it's hysterical, so I think people will really like it. My releases are going to be so odd this year jumping between fantasy, satire, and steamy paranormal romance. But, then again, I needed to mix it up a little bit and it's fun. Besides, I'm still trying to find what people seem to react to the most, because, as much as I don't want to sell out, I do need to make sales in order for this to become a full-time gig. So I'm definitely going to test the market.

Had another marketing book arrive today that I'm excited to dive into. I also signed up for a facebook ad course that starts on Monday, so I'm hoping that will help me spread the word about my books. I'm also running a freebie on The Grimoire of Kings this weekend and it's gotten over 1000 downloads, which is amazing. My hope is that it will reinvigorate the series and get it back into people's hands, especially now that it's back in Kindle Unlimited. It seems like it's working so far, I've definitely gotten a few sales of paperbacks already and some pages read, so that's good! 

Well, I think that's all for me today!



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