2/13/23 --- Romance #3 cover is ordered!

 Man, I don't know what's up with work lately, but it's just been running me into the ground day after day. Again today was especially hard and I had to defend myself more than once because people were trying to play off my job as "easy". This coming from people who haven't been doing anything near my job for months at this point. Ugh. Oh well. The day is over, I don't want to stew over it.

Got a huge amount of writing done yesterday, 4700 words before midnight! Today I'm almost 2k into Cowmelot with a couple hours left to write. I think I'm gonna switch over to Beta's Bliss for the rest of the night because I need a bit of a palate cleanser. Doing almost 10k in the past few days for Cowmelot alone has been a lot. Fantasy is a ton of fun to write, but it definitely requires a lot more in-depth thought and world-building than contemporary romance. Romance is more about the characters and their thoughts, which come SUPER easy to me, so it doesn't even feel like I'm writing when I do those. 

Today I officially wrote the synopsis for book #3 of the Tellurian Pack series and ordered the cover. I had written it down to do it last week Thursday, but between work and life, things were just a little too hectic to take the time to think it out. But I finally got it done today and it will be up for preorder before Beta's Bliss is released. I'll probably have the cover by the end of the week I should think. I'm very excited to see what the designers come up with. They always seem to do a great job on the romance covers especially :)

I even spent a tiny bit of time writing out the opening paragraphs to book #3. There's a distinct possibility that I'll be finishing Beta's Bliss and writing the next simultaneously for a couple of weeks at least. I'm having so much fun writing these romance books that I can't seem to stop myself from working on them whenever I can. I'm honestly surprised because I really thought romance wasn't going to be for me. I turned my nose up at it for the longest time and I feel kinda silly about that. The first full-length novel I ever wrote had heavy romance themes and every fantasy I've written has a slow-burn in it as well. It was like I wanted to write it the whole time, but I just had this idea in my head that romance was stupid. I'm glad I'm getting over that, because this is really fun! :)

Alright, I think that's it for me tonight. Back to writing!



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